Silver Arrow Bowmen



S.A. Bowmen Inc

Reno, Nevada


The name of this organization is “S.A. Bowmen Inc.” doing business as Silver Arrow Bowmen, indicated in the abbreviations as “SAB”. This club is a non-profit 501.3c organization as approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, is incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada, and is affiliated with the National Field Archery Association and the Nevada Bow Hunter Association.

ARTICLE II - Purpose

A. To provide such facilities and opportunities as may be desired by the membership to increase its enjoyment of the sport of archery.

B. To Foster, expand and perpetuate the practice and sport of archery through education events and facilities.

C. To foster and perpetuate the spirit of good fellowship and sportsmanship among all archers.

D. To cooperate with all existing or future archery organizations in fostering and perpetuating the use of the bow and arrow in accordance with its ancient and honorable traditions.

ARTICLE III - Membership

A. There shall be four classes of individual membership:

Adult membership may be granted to any individual 18 years of age or older, upon written application for membership and payment of all applicable fees.

Junior membership may be granted to any individual under 18 years of age in the same manner as for adult membership.

a. All junior applicants must have a parent or guardian sign and accept full written responsibility for said junior on the clubs ranges and/or during all club activities in which the junior participates.
b. All Junior members are entitled to receive a copy of the club’s monthly newsletter.
c. Junior members shall have no voting privileges nor may hold any elected office.

Life membership, with the exceptions from other regular dues and fees established by SAB, may be granted to anyone upon written application and payment of $500.00

a. Life membership dues for individuals 65 years of age or older shall be $250.00
b. Life membership applicants under the age of 18 years must comply with the requirements under paragraph A.2.a above.
c. Family life memberships may be granted upon written application and payment of fees as stated above plus and additional $100.00 for the second membership and $50.00 for each additional membership.

Honorary membership, with exception from other regular dues and fees, may be granted for exceptional merit and/or service upon written recommendation by any club member and approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

B. A quorum of the Board of Directors (BOD) may suspend, by a 2/3rds majority vote, any member, who, in its’ opinion, is guilty of acts unbecoming a sportsman or who has brought discredit to himself or the sport of archery through his actions. The member in question shall be given the opportunity to defend himself. The BOD shall file a report of its’ action and decision with the NBHA and NFAA.

C. Any member who has been suspended may not rejoin SAB unless approved by a 2/3rds majority vote of the BOD.

D. A member in good standing shall be defined as one who has previously been accepted as a member, has paid all current applicable dues and fees, owes no other outstanding debts to the club, and is not currently under suspension as outlined under B. above.

E. All new members shall receive a copy of the constitution and bylaws whether electronic or hard copy at request of member.

ARTICLE IV - Board of Directors

A. The BOD, being the fully constituted governing body of the SAB, shall be responsible to the collective membership of this organization, and shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Range Captain, and five other elected directors.

B. A quorum shall consist of 5 board members.

C. The BOD shall meet at least once a month at a time and place to be fixed by the President.

D. Duties:
The BOD shall, within the limitations of the Constitution and bylaws and policies already established by the BOD, control and manage the activities, policies, and property of the SAB. In specific, the BOD shall:

1. Consider and vote upon all proposed changes to the Bylaws and other rules and regulations.

2. Adopt an annual budget to be completed and presented at the February general membership meeting.

3. Establish all dues, fees, and other sources of revenue.

4. Establish policy and procedures in dealing with other archery organizations.

5. Fill any created vacancy on the BOD for completion of the unexpired term only.

6. Control the management of the club’s monetary funds and related book keeping records.

E. All members of the BOD shall serve without salary or emolument.

F. Each member of the BOD shall have one vote regarding BOD business, except the presiding officer of the BOD, who shall vote only in the case of a tie vote.

ARTICLE V - Officers and Their Duties

A. The officers of the SAB shall be designated as the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Range Captain and Bow Hunting Chairman

B. Duties:

1. President
a. Presides over all general meetings and meetings of the BOD.
b. Conducts meetings in accordance with the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, as the chairman.
c. Appoints all special and standing committees as applicable.
d. Initiates and develops activities of the BOD and any other duly constituted body.
e. Empowered to call special general membership meetings and special meetings of the BOD.
f. Supervises the activities of all other elected and appointed officials.
2. Vice-President
a. Performs the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
b. VP will serve on all ad hoc committees.
3. Secretary
a. Takes minutes of all general membership and BOD meetings.
b. Reads the minutes of applicable previous meetings.
c. Preserves all records and documents of the SAB except those specifically assigned to others.
d. Handles registration of new members, collects required dues, and keeps an up-to-date contact list.
e. Takes roll call and records the absentees at all BOD meetings.
f. Reads important correspondence of the club.
g. Authenticates by signature all records, documents, and other applicable papers.
h. Maintains a current list of life and honorary members.
4. Treasurer
a. Receives and banks all monies due to the SAB.
b. Keeps and maintains financial records for the club and manages the club’s cash accounts in accordance with the By-laws and directives of the BOD.
c. Supervises registration and all other monetary activities at club shoots and other club functions.
d. Disperses all monies as the club may direct.
e. Provides a monthly financial report and the current balance of all cash accounts.
f. Prepares an annual financial report.
5. Range Captain
a. Responsible for supervising the maintenance of the archery range and individual targets.
b. Keeps an adequate inventory of required targets.

ARTICLE VI - Elections and Terms of Office

A. Elections will be held annually at the regular December general membership meeting for the positions of all officers and two other applicable Board members.

B. Voting for directors and officers shall be by electronic voting by email unless hard copy ballot is requested, except in cases where only one member has accepted nomination for the office to be filled, in which case the Secretary may be directed to cast a unanimous vote for that candidate.

C. The Candidate(s) receiving the highest number of votes cast at the election shall be deemed duly elected to the office(s).

D. Only members in good standing who are 18 years of age or older may run for elected office.

E. No member shall run for or hold more than one elected office except for the combined position of Secretary/Treasurer, which when combined will have only one vote.

F. Newly elected officials shall take office immediately after December elections.

G. Terms of Office

1. The term of office for all officers shall be two years concurrent with the fiscal year. The Immediate Past President shall serve for a term of one year after a new president is elected.

2. The term of office for the five other elected directors shall be two years concurrent with a two fiscal year period. Terms shall be staggered such that two director terms expire at the end of each even numbered fiscal year and the other three director terms expire at the end of the each odd-numbered fiscal year.

ARTICLE VII - Committees

The duties of the standing committees and how each committee shall be formed and staffed shall be set in the bylaws.

ARTICLE VIII - Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the SAB shall begin January 1.

ARTICLE IX - Alterations and/ or Amendments

This constitution may be altered and /or amended by a 2/3rds majority vote of the returned ballots by the membership at the annual meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

ARTICLE X - Dissolution

In the event of the board and membership decide to dissolve this corporation and have not otherwise designated a distribution of assets to another 501.3c corporation, then the assets of SA Bowmen Inc dba Silver Arrow Bowmen will go to the Nevada Bow Hunters Association, another Nevada Non Profit Corporation. In the event that is not possible, the assets will go to The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, a national 501.3c corporation.